This week’s offering of Nelson’s Hugs & Slugs

To the AFKO staff and there members for welcoming me so warmly in Nelson at the potluck event.

Slugs. To the unthoughtful dog owners in all of Nelson. Perhaps you like the sound of your dog barking, but if you had any consideration for your neighbours and your neighbourhood you might think that your barking dog is disturbing someone. I can’t use my chainsaw before 7 a.m., why should you be able to put your dog out for his morning bark at 6?


HUGS. To the AFKO staff and there members for welcoming me so warmly in Nelson at the potluck event. Big hugs too all citizen of the Queen City for there kindness and community sense.


SLUGS. To slow drivers that suddenly speed up when there is a passing lane and then slow back down. That’s why they call it passing lane, turtle. Let the line up of cars get past you when they have the opportunity.


Slugs. To whoever decided to build (concrete poured and all) public restrooms in Rosemont Park, right in front of the Jubilee Manor assisted living apartment picture windows. How disappointing and disrespectful to the elderly living there. Surely they could have been built elsewhere in the park.


Hugs. To the firefighters I saw today putting up barriers at Fletcher Falls. This is a project that is much needed and may indeed prevent a fatality. Thank you!


HUGS. To the assistant store manager who bought her entire staff Starbucks coffees in appreciation for their hard work over the long weekend! It’s so nice to be appreciated and we also appreciate you!


SLUGS. To the male who was smoking pot in full view on the beach at Lakeside Park. The odour was strong and unpleasant to the point of making me nauseous and headachy. I had to leave the otherwise comfort of a beautiful late afternoon at the beach as did a mother with her young children who was also in the “line of fire.” That was a show of arrogance and blatant disregard for the law as well as respect for others.


HUGS. To the young female who, while I was looking in my purse for a quarter for the meter, put one in for me — and was gone. T’was a small passing-by act of kindness, but oh, so sweet! You are a credit to the human race.


SLUGS. To travelling buskers who pollute Baker Street with their horrible sounds. There are some very talented buskers — mostly local — who bring the downtown alive with music during the summer, but thumping on a plastic bucket with the same beat for 20 minutes is far from impressive and just plain annoying.


Hugs. To the two angels in a pick-up truck that hauled my sorry carcass off a deserted logging road from seven km up. I had just done an endo from a mountain bike I was testing and broke my right elbow in four places. On a deserted trail you saw it happen and picked me up and I am very grateful.  I call it a miracle. Thanks.


SLUGS. And more slugs to the person(s) on Silver King Road, who feel its their god given right to burn trash. Don’t be so cheap. Take your gross dirty filthy steamy slime-dripping stinky trash to the dump. It’s you, and hopefully very few others like you, who are the true polluters of the planet. We are tired of smelling your toxic smouldering trash burning smells all evening and overnights in our neighborhood. I thought trash burning was banned a long time ago, but… only in Nelson.

Nelson Star