This weeks showering of hugs and slugs

To the disrespectful man at the provincial playdowns at the soccer pitch during the Nelson game this past weekend

HUGS. To all Grad 2012 parents: thank you for your patience with us, we are doing our best and are only volunteers after all.


Slugs. To the person who wrote: “Cougars can’t read” on our posters we placed around town for our missing black dog. As it turns out he wasn’t eaten by a cougar.                                  – Grumpy pet owner


Hugs. To the person who found our missing black dog trapped in his house for three days and let him out. We sure missed him.            – Happy pet owner


Slugs. To the person who let their black dog run free. When I closed my garage door and went away for three days it got trapped in my house and destroyed it.  – Grumpy house owner


SLUGS. To the disrespectful man at the provincial playdowns at the soccer pitch during the Nelson game this past weekend.  Your immature display in front of impressionable young players was not only disappointing but also embarrassing. How are we to teach our youth to respect the referees and fair play in this fantastic sport with the example that you showed on Sunday? You are a familiar face within the soccer life and you should be supporting our officials not disrespecting them! This was a very sad moment in an otherwise wonderful weekend. You should really be ashamed of your actions.


HUGS. To the lead truck in the grad cavalcade on Saturday. You really shone. Congratulations and best wishes to all the grads.


HUGS. To Cathy and her crew of volunteer parents. Thanks for making the effort to provide the Trafalgar Grade 8 class with a send off event. It wasn’t what they were expecting at the start of the school year, but making the effort means a great deal.


Nelson Star