People cutting down dead trees for firewood block road with tree debris at Granite Creek Cemetery.

People cutting down dead trees for firewood block road with tree debris at Granite Creek Cemetery.

Thoughtless vandals leave mess at cemetery

People cutting down dead trees for firewood block road with tree debris at Granite Creek Cemetery.

Thoughtless vandals, looking for firewood have left a mess at the historic Granite Creek Cemetery.

For the last seven years, Bob and I have volunteered countless hours caring for the cemetery, planting bulbs, cleaning debris and placing markers on the unmarked graves.

Imagine our shock to learn that someone cutting down dead trees for firewood decided to leave their mess behind. The road to the cemetery is completely blocked by tree debris.

Now that Bob has an ICD, he is no longer allowed to use a chain saw.

This means that we won’t be able to cut any branches that are too large to be cut by hand and dragged away.

I would suggest that whoever is responsible for this disrespectful mess come back and clean it up.

Diane and Bob Sterne



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