Thoughts on enforcing rules in B.C.

B.C. Liberals should do a better job of enforcing provincials rules says reader

Mollycoddled British Columbians cost taxpayers billions every year. If the B.C. Liberals were not so afraid, they would enforce the rules.

In Britain, thousands ride the rails every day. From day one you had to pay before you got on the train. What is the point of handing out fines when people don’t pay?

A series of nice ads tell people to be very careful of our forests. If you start a fire with your carelessness you could get a $360 fine. Wow, is that ever scary. Make the fine $10,000 with five years in jail. People have lost their homes and lives because of stupidity.

B.C. Liberal cabinet minister Rich Coleman has made drinking even more available, so now, instead of less impaired drivers, we have more.

When rules are in place and enforced, things work.

It’s time the B.C. Liberals did the job.

Eileen Nattrass

Central Saanich


Peninsula News Review