Three vilified politicians really not so bad

Dear editor,

A writer in Friday's paper voices his disgust for three politicians, several times repeating the theme, 'I have had enough.'

Dear editor,

A writer in Friday’s paper voices his disgust for three politicians, several times repeating the theme, ‘I have had enough.’

But Mr. Vavra does not show a clear comprehension of what displeases him. Two or three unsupported claims about Mr. Harper give the impression that he simply does not like the prime minister, not that Mr. Harper is a bad politician.

The insulting and inaccurate harangue against the provincial premier ignores the fact that Miss Clark actually objects to the Northern Gateway pipelines. She will consider them only if Alberta promises adequate (from her perspective) compensation, presumably including financial assets and environmental protection. Contrary to Mr. Vavra’s claim, she does not think ‘that we . . . want the Enbridge pipeline.’

Our friend’s last target is our member of Parliament. I am not familiar with Mr. Vavra’s disappointed attempt to contact Mr. Duncan, but his statements are hard to believe. Mr. Duncan’s staff understandably cannot take care of everyone’s problems, but they do genuinely care about assisting those who want their help.

And the accusation that Mr. Duncan is ‘never here’ is false. Although his work takes him across Canada and the world, he does spend time locally. In fact, I met him in Courtenay only a few weeks ago, and I am sure that he is willing to hear from his constituents.

Mr. Vavra may have real reasons for discontent, but it does not appear that these individuals are significant contributors. Perhaps in the future he may be less ready to blame everything on politicians and proclaim to us that, for no obvious reason, he has ‘had enough.’

Brendon Johnson,


Comox Valley Record