Thrift shop should not be taxed

Move over, Mr. Scrooge, you have just lost out to the mean-spirited B.C. government.

Dear Editor:

Re:  The provincial government orders the thrift shops to pay the PST

Move over, Mr. Scrooge, you have just lost out to the mean-spirited B.C. government.

Thrift shops sell donated goods, use all volunteer labour, and donate the entire proceeds to help the provincial government responsibility of health care.

Why the Victoria bean-counters thought they needed to tap a new source of general revenue funds must indicate a desperate need. But this is an unfair, unhelpful tax that will fall mainly on those who can least afford it.

If the provincial government really needs more money, why not just raise the provincial income tax? That way everyone would contribute as they can afford to do so.

The PST charge on thrift shop sales should be cancelled immediately. An apology would be nice.

Sheila White



Summerland Review