Thumbs down to Canada Post

Mail delivery seems to have regressed from bad to worse.

Editor: I ordered an item from Amazon on Feb. 3. It was immediately shipped to Canada Customs and then, presumably, to Canada Post. It was supposed to arrive no later than Feb, 16. As of Feb. 20, nothing.

My wife mailed $10 to a sewing machine company just over the Langley border. It took a week to arrive and will, I suppose, take another week for the tiny envelope of needles to arrive here.

I asked a man who is in business and has volumes of mail what he thought of the service he received from Canada Post. I am sorry that I am unable to print his reply, as the language would be banned from print.

The lady who delivers our mail is most pleasant. The outfit that employs her seems to have regressed from bad to worse.

Mike Harvey,


Langley Times