Thunderbird crew grateful to Alberni for community’s support

There is clearly something special about this town and it was really powerful to be on the receiving end of all the generosity.

The Thunderbird Crew say thank you to Port Alberni.

The Thunderbird Crew say thank you to Port Alberni.

To the Editor,

We wish we could find a more personable way to say thank you to all the individuals and businesses that were supporting us through the Dog Mountain fire.

However, as we write this we have been informed we are heading off on another deployment.

Based on the quick turnaround, we, the Thunderbird Unit Crew, really want to make sure the community knows how much we appreciate what was done for us.

When we were working 16-hour days, finding time to make dinner and prep food for the next day was virtually impossible.

We can honestly say that the support we were feeling from the community of Port Alberni was nothing like we have ever experienced before.

We are not going to attempt to list everyone who helped, as the list is too long, but the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, waters, Gatorades and kind words really did fuel us through the week.

There is clearly something special about this town and it was really powerful to be on the receiving end of all the generosity.

The Thunderbird Unit Crew,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News