Ticket prices out of line

My blood boils when I read that individuals that hold 2011/12 season tickets to the Penticton Vees games can purchase a $40 ticket package to all games of the Young Stars, whereas the average Joe taxpayer must pay $80 or $100 for the same ticket package.

My blood boils when I read that individuals that hold 2011/12 season tickets to the Penticton Vees games can purchase a $40 ticket package to all games of the Young Stars, whereas the average Joe taxpayer must pay $80 or $100 for the same ticket package.

Something here does not pass the smell test. If 800 seasons ticket holders partake of this offer, this is a $32,000 subsidy paid to the Vees organization to advertise season tickets. A new contract with the Vees was recently signed with the city and I am sure that this subsidy was not included in the contract. I will send a Freedom of Information request to the city to obtain a copy of the contract to find out exactly what the subsidy that the Joe taxpayers of the city are already paying to the Vees organization. It would help to have this information disclosed if all taxpayers would send a request under the Freedom of Information Legislation. Google and print the Freedom of Information form because your request must follow the rules set out in the legislation

All taxpayers are picking up the deficit to fund the albatross known as the SOEC and therefore all taxpayers should be treated equally when it comes to ticket packages to attend the Young Stars tournament.

If you believe in equality for all taxpayers, contact a member of council and voice your opinion.

Ted Wiltse





Penticton Western News