Ticking off the towns one step at a time

Ticking off the towns one step at a time

Lorraine is keeping her FitBit busy with a virtual tour of the province

My update: I am now on my way to Creston, having passed Christina Lake, Castlegar and Salmo. According to Wikipedia, Christina Lake is an unincorporated recreational area in West Kootenay region of B.C. The 2016 population count was 1,099.

Castlegar is the second largest community in the West Kootenay region, 2016 population was 8,039. The Mayor is Bruno Tassone.

Salmo is a village municipality surrounded by the Selkirk Mountain Range, 2016 population count was 1,141. I have about 31,000 steps left to reach Creston, my next destination.

Monday, May 6, 9:30-10:45 a.m. at Walnut Park Elementary “Imagine the Impossibilities” with Magician Leif David. This show features magic, comedy, music and tons of audience participation. An action- packed show that is free and open to the whole community, a partnership presentation with Smithers Public Library, the Northwest Library Federation and SD54/Walnut Park Elementary.

A Book Launch at the Library, Monday, May 13, 7 p.m. Reflections of Hope: A book of photography, a culmination of a project initiated by Positive Living North, aiming to showcase artistic expression and create space for discussions on belonging. This event is sponsored by Wetzin’kwa Community Forest Corporation.

Smithers Community String Orchestra- Afternoon Spring Concert, Saturday, April 27th, 2 p.m., Smithers Secondary Round Room: “The Carnival of Animals” for orchestra and two pianos. Guest pianists Dawn Grasmeyer and Monique Vander Wart, plus other orchestral favourites, under the direction of Laura Hols-Wimbush. Admission by donation.

Brief history: organized skiing on Hudson Bay Mountain first started in the 1930s when ski jumping championships were held at the base of Hudson Bay Mountain.

From there skiing moved around the valley to areas such as Malkow Lookout, Warren’s Hill and a location on Old Babine Lake Road.

In the spring of 1963, Chris Dahlie and Horst Saffarek hosted a slide show showing the “tremendous scenic beauty and skiing potential offered” on the prairie of Hudson Bay Mountain. This was the impetus for the Smithers Ski Club to set plans in place for downhill skiing on the mountain which has since developed into the successful Hudson Bay Mountain Resort.

As a legacy, a published book celebrating downhill skiing on Hudson Bay Mountain for more than fifty years is being formulated. If you have family stories and photos to share for possible inclusion please call Jeannette, 250-846-9126, e-mail hbmhistory@gmail.com.

Remember what I wrote several months ago about a fellow back east fighting to keep his custom license plate, “GRABHER”? Appears a decision will be reached late April/early May 2019.

Saskatchewan Government Insurance has made 175 new additions to its list of restricted licence plate names. They state they will not approve slogans that the general public may find offensive, suggestive or not in good taste.

The English language continues to evolve, so too do names on personalized licence plates. A Winnipeg man is now arguing a decision to revoke his Star Trek-themed licence plate “ASIMIL8”. Some say it is associated with the treatment of Indigenous people in residential schools.

Closing with: Adversary – one that contends with, opposes, or resists: an enemy or opponent.

Smithers Interior News