Tiered water rates unfair

Letter-writer Dennis Hagen would like to know why people who use more water feel they are getting ripped off because they have to pay more.

Letter-writer Dennis Hagen would like to know why people who use more water feel they are getting ripped off because they have to pay more.

I think he and others who would see the tiered water rates stay are missing the point.

Nobody is complaining about paying their fair share for the water that they consume – the problem is that after a certain point (60 cubic meters, I believe), the rate doubles.

Large families aren’t just paying for the water they use, they’re paying double what you do for the same resource.

It’s no longer a utility bill at that point – it’s a fine.

My modest family of four went beyond the first tier limit, and I thought that we were being conservative with our usage.

The tier one threshold should be raised, and the rates for venturing into  tier two territory should not be tantamount  to street racing through a school zone.

Let’s be fair to all Abbotsford families, large and small!


Karen Bachar


Abbotsford News