The students in the Timberline Musical Theatre program rehearsed this year’s production, Once Upon a Mattress, three days per week after school in preparation for their virtual performances. Photo by Mike Davies/Campbell River Mirror

Timberline theatre group thanks community for its support

They were a bit worried whether people would show up online, but thanks those who did

When we held our first Musical Theatre meeting back in September we had no idea how many students would show up. Amid the rising covid cases, mask restrictions and no gathering policy we would have understood if students were uninterested in putting forth the effort and time for a production that may be cancelled.

But they showed up. And continued to show up for the countless rehearsals. Even knowing that they would be performing to a quiet room and a video camera.

And then we had no idea how many people would buy tickets to watch from home, and if we would be able to make back the money we spent on the show.

But then the Campbell River community showed up for us too. And we are forever grateful.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who bought a ticket and provided these students with the audience they deserved. Thank you to the individuals who graciously gave an additional donation to the program. Thank you to all the businesses in the community who sent sponsorships.

Thank you to Kermit Dahl at Associated Tire & Auto, Thomas Ryan from Brown’s Bay Packing Co, and Dodd’s Furniture and Mattresses for their generous donations. And to the Campbell River Mirror for helping us get the word out.

You have made these students and the performing arts feel valued. We are so lucky to have the support of the community.

Please see our online program for the list of sponsors and donors there.

Next year we hope to welcome you to the Timberline Theatre in person.

With gratitude,

Jana MacFarlane

Director – Once Upon A Mattress

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