Time for action to get billboards brought down

After being absent for some time, it was disgusting to once again see the pathetic mess of billboards at the top of the west hill.

To the editor:

While driving into Kelowna after being absent for some time, it was disgusting to once again see the pathetic mess of billboards at the top of the west hill.

It is disgraceful to have such a beautiful view of the hills, lake and the valley ruined by this greed. I feel sorry for the Westside people having to view this everyday.

Yes, we understand there is one set of laws for all Canadians and then another set of laws for First Nations, but do the few people that have rights to these properties not have any respect for the rest of us in the Okanagan?   After the millions of dollars being generated on WFN land leases, do the few people involved need to ruin our city for a few more dollars for themselves?

We always hear about how the First Nations people want to protect the natural environment and nature.

I saw an article in a Vancouver newspaper promoting a development on the Westside. It read: “…the Westbank First Nations Band is one of the most socially progressive bands in Canada.”  Is this an example of protecting our environment and being progressive?

We see millions of dollars being given to the WFN in land swaps and construction management contracts. Is our provincial government not capable of negotiating these billboards off the land, when they are working on these agreements?

You would think the federal government would be concerned about preserving the beauty of our country, yet you drive up the hill and you see a huge billboard with the picture of Dan Albas, MP, encouraging this mess.  It would be interesting to hear what he would have to say about this issue.

I personally will not do business with anyone advertising on these billboards, including anything owned by the Pattison group, and I would encourage all of you to do the same.

If there is anyone on the Westside willing to start an action group to see what we could do about this mess, I would be the first to join and assist. Maybe its not impossible to return this area to its natural beauty.

Brian Mayhew,


Kelowna Capital News