Time for council to move on deer

We have a major deer problem in Oak Bay.

Wakey! Wakey! We have a major deer problem in Oak Bay.

I am so tired of buying plants from our nurseries only to have them eaten by deer.

Our municipal council needs to support farmers, nursery owners and residents. It is failing.

Soon the deer will out number us and they don’t pay taxes.

If council insists on ignoring this huge problem, at least reduce our taxes and your salaries to compensate us.

I will not join the fence builders. That would spoil the atmosphere of Oak Bay.

Council’s performance is at best luck-lustre. I strongly suspect if we had other ungulates like cows, pigs, goats and lambs wandering in our municipality there would immediately be a round up and slaughter. Unlike deer, they are not cute.

When is the next municipal election?

Jack Lowther

Oak Bay


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