Time has come

Resident makes the push for a new ice sheet in Greater Vernon

I arrived in Vernon in 1991 to begin my career and start my family in this well-known community.

With such opportunities of  year-round sports, tournaments, trade shows, fundraising events, live concerts and community functions, I am raising two boys, that have used Civic Arena.

As a great fan of winter sports and arriving from Alberta, hockey is an important sport for my children and me.

I have seen Civic Arena provide our friend’s children, our children and the community the opportunity to use the arena which was more than 50 years old then and now has reached its prime time of 78 years.

Give the building the dignity to retire people.

All the people out there, please ask yourself, “Is it time to vote yes Nov. 28?”

Your past children and their children have used Civic Arena and now it’s time to look to the future of your children and their children’s children to be provided an opportunity to continue the importance of participation in sports like hockey, figure skating, ringette and speed skating.

This time Yes is the right decision you can make for yourself and for all the little people’s future that cannot vote.

Vernon missed the opportunity back in 2001 and should have built Kal Tire Place with a twin facility like our neighbour Salmon Arm.

Now we are in desperate need to see this arena referendum go through and do it right this time.

The future is to keep our children and  people in Vernon to use this new facility.

It makes financial sense to do it right instead of soaking in more money to repair Civic Arena in the next three to five years.

We all know the money needs to go towards a new addition to the north end of Kal Tire Place. This facility would give Vernon increased revenue opportunities in our community.

This project will enhance a new drawing card from other communities, and such revenues from trade shows, bonspiels, tournaments, fundraising activities, live concerts, etc.

Most important about this arena referendum is if we do it now, it will save millions of dollars in the long-term and it will lower the operating costs by running a twin facility at Kal Tire Place in one location vs. the two locations we have now. Let’s be sensible.

Sue Ang



Vernon Morning Star