Time to abolish formula-driven pay raises

The world is in trouble these days, even if the politicians and the teachers don’t know it, says writer

Editor: The headlines in the Dec. 15 Langley Times said it all — “Massive pay hikes for council.”

When will someone wake up to reality?

Raises of $1,000 per month — what is that? An increase of $7,000 per year — what is that?

Councillors’ salaries doubled in eight years, and with the economy in the state it is in?

One-third of their salaries are tax-free — what is that?

When some hold other jobs, when do they take care of the business we pay them for and how many hours do they work for us?

I think many are out of touch with what it takes to receive raises today and so-called cost of living increases. Most working people have to cut expenses to deal with cost of living increases.

Businesses have to generate more business to receive more income, if they’re lucky that is.

At times, that will only cover increases in business expenses.

“Formula-driven” raises need to be abolished and pensions for this select group need to be switched to “defined contribution” plans, rather than “defined benefit” plans.

Council members must come down off this high cloud that just keeps on growing and we keep paying.

When will someone wake up to the fact that this cannot and must not continue?

It is this kind of nonsense that sets up occupy tents in cities around the world. Let it continue and we will become another Europe in the making.

Is that what you want?

In case you missed it,  the world is in trouble these days, even if the politicians and the teachers don’t know it.

Larry Towns,


Langley Times