Time to celebrate the Olympics

EDITORIAL: Olympic Games about pride and inspiration – and that’s worth saving

In recent years, the Olympic Games and the International Olympic Committee have rightly taken some knocks. The IOC has come under fire with allegations of all manner of corruption afoot.

Costs to host the Olympic Games have also skyrocketed into the billions, which leaves the majority of right-thinking cities – potential host sites, all of them – to bow out on their own. This leaves only bidders who are, in many ways, unsuitable to host events.

Which brings us to this summer’s event in Rio, where organizers are so far behind they’ve given up much on the to-do list already – including the cleaning up of the outdoor water venues, which have reportedly made people sick.

With all these issues, many have suggested the Olympic Games are simply no longer worth it, but try telling that to the hundreds of athletes who’ve waited four years – or in some cases, a lifetime – to perform on this, the biggest of stages.

When the Games start today, many of the problems – with Rio specifically and the IOC as a whole – will be pushed to the background, for better or worse, as we watch athletes soar to great heights.

In spite of everything, we still love to watch the athletes strive to be the best in the world. It is still among the most prestigious sports titles any athlete can earn.

It has inspired millions to cheer, to cry, to hold our breath. It’s about pride and inspiration – and that’s worth saving.

— Black Press


Vernon Morning Star