Time to get active

Quesnel seniors' advocate urges seniors to strip away the nonsense and get active, there's lots to keep you busy

Just when I felt somewhat exhilarated about getting on with things after holidays something terrible seemed to be happening. Some of my friends and acquaintances were passing away. It almost seemed like an epidemic but of course it wasn’t. It was just me over reacting. I can’t remember so many deaths of seniors other winters but perhaps there are no more than other years. But life goes on for most of us. More than one person has told me that attending a memorial service has become their social outing. Being the recipient of an African violet belonging to a dear friend that is no longer with us, I have a new appreciation of artificial flowers. They are keepers. There is a place for fresh and artificial flowers in our life.

It appears symptoms of the flu seem to be abating with those I’ve been in touch with and life for them can get back to normal. There is no time for that nonsense. So much to be done.

At their meeting Jan. 17 at the Legion, one of the things chairman Peter Nielsen of Seniors Voice spoke about was a real concern when our local hospital discharged an elderly patient recently without making sure proper care would be in place. Whether it’s a staff shortage or negligence, it is hoped this problem will be rectified.

At that same meeting, Deb Pedersen spoke on behalf of United Way’s Better at Home program. She touched on some of the things the program has to offer for seniors 65 and older: non-medical support for such things as housekeeping, grocery shopping and yard work.

The problem of affordable, accessible housing was discussed. Keith Watkin had a small paper model displayed to give an idea of what the new Lion’s Club Housing project will look like on the Reid Street property. Keith is working on a wooden model. Meanwhile, exciting fundraising ideas are coming forward while waiting for plans and paperwork to be finalized. Then it will be all hands on deck to help out.

At their OAPO branch 77 meeting Jan. 15 in the Golden Centre, members of the new executive were sworn in, with Pat Klassen as president; Gloria Robinson as treasurer; Gus Schaub as first vice; new directors were Julie Lindblom, Thelma Stolarski and Vern Noeth. Helen Mickey continues to be secretary.

They now hold their meetings at 1:30 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. The hall is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for cribbage, whist and pool. Lunch is provided for members also on those days.

The Quesnel and District Seniors’ Society also had new members of the executive sworn in at their meeting Jan. 24. As president Rae Daggitt was absent, first vice Helene Boudreau took his place. The executive is made up of second vice Maurine Goodenough; secretary Doug Service and treasurer Marg Hessels. Directors are Lil Petersen, Ray Simmonds, Marion Gordon, Helen Krause, Russ Penhold and Adrian Monich. Booking agent is Dee Adams and Dave Peek-Vout is accountant. Honorary directors are Joan Huxley and Peter Couldwell. The Seniors’ Society meet at 1 p.m. the fourth Thursday of every month. They have a full schedule of activities and are starting beginner bridge lessons Wednesdays 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Coming up is the Spaghetti Dinner, Feb. 14; Garage Sale, April 13; Open House, Oct. 22; Harvest Dinner, Oct. 3; Craft Sale, Nov. 15 – 16; Christmas Dinner, Dec. 5; Tour of Lights, Dec. 11.

Robbie Burns Night at the Royal Canadian Legion, Jan. 26 is just what was needed to chase the winter blahs.

The 145 people who attended filled every available seat and enjoyed the Scottish dancers, Scottish songs by St. John/St. Andrew choirs and of course the bagpipes not to mention

the delicious roast beef dinner. Plans are being made for next year’s event.

Ruth Scoullar is a seniors’ advocate and regular Observer contributor.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer