Time to get on with sewage treatment

I would suggest to our new mayor to get more involved in our out-of-date sewage treatment problems

Re: Hamilton elected in Colwood, News, Nov. 23, 2011.

Congratulations to mayor-elect Carol Hamilton on her victory.

Yes,  she is correct that Colwood taxpayers would like a long time mayor and longtime councillors. But for this to happen, council must move forward with innovative ways to make our city grow, similar to Langford.

I would suggest to our new mayor to get more involved in our out-of-date sewage treatment problems. Nobody’s backyard should have this sewer system.

There is no reason why we shouldn’t have a proper sewer treatment plant in this century, considering the technology we have today.

Stop spending millions of dollars on a sewage treatment study and use the money to start building a treatment plant that’s environmentally friendly and cost effective to all Colwood tax payers.

Ron O’dwyer



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