Time to get worried about LNG fracking

It could well be that any LNG fracked from the bowels of B.C. could actually cost us money

Editor, The Times:

John Horgan has awakened — a little late maybe? But better late than never, as they say.

Petronas recently expressed great satisfaction with the latest concessions from Christy Clark’s Liberals. Well, they should. After all, this B.C. government has given them everything they wanted and possibly more.

Christy Clark’s gang has followed the lead of those ‘stupid’ Albertans, of whom Ralph Klein was the perfect example.

Gone was the vision of that great Albertan (and great Canadian) Peter Lougheed — an orderly development of the Athabaska tar sands, refineries built right in Alberta, etc.

Under Ralph Klein it became a free-for-all development, with far too low royalties and environmental concerns thrown to the wind.

Remember when it was wonderful Alberta, glorious Alberta — let’s all go to Alberta — and, true, many did and many earned good — in fact great – wages and salaries.

However, it was a fraud, a facade — Potemkin prosperity. Even at the height of oil prices, Alberta was sliding into the ‘red.’ Some $6 billion just a short while ago. And Jim Prentice was about to make the people of Alberta pay for all this lack of vision. Remember when poor Ed Stelmach wanted to raise royalties up to a more appropriate level? “Oh, no,” cried the Calgary petro thugs, “we can get a better rate in Saskatchewan.”

Alberta’s populace made history and now these same oil sand thugs are stuck with Rachel Notley’s NDP government. One wonders if these Calgary oil clowns will ever acknowledge their role in the orange wave in Alberta.

Now, with officials at Petronas grinning like Alice’s Cheshire cat, ‘Yoga on Burrard Bridge’ Christy is following the same path that was so ruinous to Alberta. It could well be that any LNG fracked from the bowels of B.C. could actually cost us money.

It’s this Mad Hatter’s LNG plan that John Horgan is worried about.

The rest of us should be too!

Dennis Peacock


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times