Time to make your voice heard

Editorial comment suggests there is room here for public comments, and interest in such comments

What are citizens looking for in the upcoming election?

It is somewhat surprising that election stories and press releases we have put up so far have not generated much in the way of discussion or debate.

Is the electorate in the Castlegar region happy with the status quo, bored or just apathetic with the election process?

While the most important thing you can do is get out and vote, be a part of shaping what politicians are talking about.

Granted, it’s early in the race and there are but three candidates so far seeking the MLA seat for Kootenay West. We have two “major” political parties and in independent who have stepped forward.

Now, it’s your turn to make sure they are not just making promises but addressing specific issues that affect locals.

Your local newspaper provides a space for letters to the editor and all our online stories have comments sections.

The writ dropped in B.C. on Tuesday and time will run out to make your voice heard. We are interested in what you want to see our local election hopefuls talking about and what you have to say.

As silly as the process may seem at times, with duelling press releases and announcements of past announcements, this is the democracy that governs our lives.

Speak up.

Castlegar News