Time to privatize ICBC

Why is no one questioning why ICBC is allowed to keep demanding unreasonable insurance costs?

Editor: First B.C. teachers demand a five per cent per year salary increase. Now other unions are starting to demand the same. It saddens me to read the reasoning behind this in the article The Times published May 3.

So, because the provincial government decided to siphon $1.2 billion out of ICBC, the union workers figure they can demand unreasonable increases in pay.

Why is no one questioning why ICBC is allowed to keep demanding unreasonable insurance costs? I just spent an entire month’s salary to insure our car so we can get to work and school.

Yet, just because ICBC has a monopoly, it can charge whatever it wants and then unions and the provincial government can take whatever they want out of what we were forced to pay.

It’s highly time to privatize car insurance in BC.

Remi van Wermeskerken, Aldergrove

Langley Times