Time to revoke contaminated soil permit at Shawnigan Lake

What the people of Shawnigan Lake warned would happen, has!

‘Boil water advisory’ Do not bathe!

What the people of Shawnigan Lake warned would happen, has! It took less than a year of the 50 year permit granted by the B.C. government to dump contaminated waste at the South Island Aggregates/Cobble Hill Holdings site to reach the lake!

When will this insanity stop?

Is it not the people in the community that are in charge of their own destiny? The elected officials of this B.C. government have continued to ignore the constituents’ wishes to find another place for these contaminants, somewhere that will not affect a drinking water supply! Elected by the people for the people. What am I missing here?

As a 24-year veteran, I have witnessed wars being waged and will continue to be fought over clean potable water sources and here in my own backyard my government views them with complete disregard.

Shame on the lot of you for allowing this permit! Now, do the right thing and revoke it before the damage is too great to repair!


Steve Bellingham

Shawnigan Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen