Time to smarten up

Cummins shot was a low blow


hen you think that Ms. Clark and her gang of MLAs can’t get any lower, they continue to rise to the top of the no ethics or class pile, with their attack on Conservative leader John Cummins.

They should give there heads a hard shake and do some serious sole searching.

Let’s look at the past demonstrated BC Liberal ethics track record. Buried the Olympic over-run expenditure data with a court sealing order, keep MLAs’ expenses statements a well guarded secret, cover up the BC Rail scandal, miss-represent Ms. Clark’s high school education by alluding that she was educated in three exclusive universities, caucus retreat at expensive resort at tax payer expense, spending millions of our tax dollars championing the HST prior to the referendum, disrespects us all by paying lip service to the transparency consultation concept of open government, and worst of all they fail to hold themselves accountable to the people they serve.

Like John Cummins, many of us voted Green or NDP as a protest vote. It’s time for the Liberals to start leading by example and stop this type of personal smear tactic.

Refocus and concentrate on the important issues that have resulted in the British Columbia economy being devastated by government spending and lack of vision.

Be frugal with our money; solicit ideas from the grass roots and all political parties. If you want our respect you have to earn it, smarten up.

The bottom line, the Liberal Government is falling short of expectations, your going to get a major political spanking in the next British Columbia election.

Wayne Mossman


Qualicum Beach



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