Time to wake up about health care

The death of a thousand cuts awaits us if we are not careful

I wonder when our elected federal people will meet with our elected provincial people and collectively sit down and develop a long term Canadian health care plan that is equable to all Canadians.

Are all elected officials and senior bureaucrats already on the payroll of the lobbyists? Why are we not purchasing all medical supplies and medical equipment nationally like all other smart countries and getting a bulk price?

Why can’t I get the same service in Saskatchewan as I can in Prince Edward Island? Why do I have to buy out of province insurance when I travel in Canada other than my home province?

Why are not options on how to improve our health system looked at collectively provincially and federally? Why are we still cutting deals for free trade and cutting our own throats by kow- towing to big pharma?

Throwing money out the window will not improve anything other than the bank balances of those that can grab the dispensed cash.

I want to see some reporting that is honest, forthright, truthful and insightful. People around the world are dying trying to get an opportunity to have a say in their future and we are squandering ours out of apathy.

Wake up and ask the hard questions and don’t take the status quo as acceptable. The other option is to die by a thousand nicks.

Bob Tritschler





Parksville Qualicum Beach News