The Therapeutic Activation Program for Seniors (TAPS) continues to be wonderfully active with Bridget and Wendy, Susan and Nellie staying on top of not only running the program activities, but meeting each person who attends with care and attention, and creatively programming with input from our seniors.
We couldn’t do it without — ta da — our volunteers. It’s Oscar time: On April 27, TAPS is acknowledging our volunteers with a TAPS Oscar volunteer luncheon. Our program would not be what it is for our seniors without the approximately 150 hours a month that volunteers invest. These hours are spread over assisting with program activities, with special events, fundraising activities and more.
And volunteers are not just a category to be acknowledged, as each person brings their own personality, perspective, skills, ideas and energy. For example, on Tuesday, in the midst of conversations between a table of men and a volunteer, suddenly she burst into song with other voices joining in and much laughter.
TAPS provided the intermission tea for the Blossom Valley Singers spring concert and we thank them for including us. Thanks to all who helped make it happen!
We have been successful at receiving a grant from United Way to continue with a living well aspect to our program. With aging comes changes affecting our whole being, and this year we are focusing on exploring education, participation and strategies for maintaining and improving our mental and physical well-being.
This month, our staff joined with others from Valley Community Services to participate in a session on non-violent crisis intervention training, one of many opportunities for staff development through the agency.
There is a change in our staffing coming up with Susan Langstaff retiring. We will miss her gracious caring presence as well as her skills and willingness on the team while wishing her well. Susan has been with us for eight years and been one of the bus drivers in addition to assisting in the program.
Maureen Cameron is the community liaison development co-ordinator for the Therapeutic Activation Program for Seniors. For more information on TAPS, run by Valley Community Services, call 250-428-5585.