The Trail Times welcomes letters to the editor from our readers on topics of interest to the community. Include a legible first and last name, a mailing address and a telephone number where the author can be reached. Only the author’s name and district will be published. Letters lacking names and a verifiable phone number will not be published. A guideline of 500 words is suggested for letter length. We do not publish “open” letters, letters directed to a third party, or poetry. We reserve the right to edit or refuse to publish letters. You may also email your letters to We look forward to receiving your opinions.

The Trail Times welcomes letters to the editor from our readers on topics of interest to the community. Include a legible first and last name, a mailing address and a telephone number where the author can be reached. Only the author’s name and district will be published. Letters lacking names and a verifiable phone number will not be published. A guideline of 500 words is suggested for letter length. We do not publish “open” letters, letters directed to a third party, or poetry. We reserve the right to edit or refuse to publish letters. You may also email your letters to We look forward to receiving your opinions.

Tire-ing effort acknowledged

Letter to the Editor from Bob Bastian of Fruitvale

After many months of travelling the road into and out of Trail, I feel it’s time to acknowledge the signatures of the individual who has left his marks on the highway.

His two-tired black rubber is left on the roads for all to see. It’s obviously a very tire-ing task so this person must go to bed at night happy, but spent. And thinking of spent, I imagine the cost of all those marks must add up.

Oh, well, he’s getting ready for re-tire-ment. Good for him.

Bob Bastian


Trail Daily Times