Tired of higher prices

I am tired of being a polite Canadian, sucking it up and paying higher prices to support businesses that are out of touch with their customers.

I am tired of being a polite Canadian, sucking it up and paying higher prices to support businesses that are out of touch with their customers.

When you consider us, the average family with our two kids trying to make ends meet and have fun staying within budget, it’s no wonder we’re finding alternatives just to stay on track.

After forking out money for the mortgage and utilities, RESPs and RRSPs, we’re going to get creative about the costs of putting dinner on the table, gas in the car, and clothes in the closet.

We’re all for supporting local businesses and going green, provided the money we have left over is going to cover our needs and a few wants.

Occasionally, venturing down to the States meets a double purpose for us – a fun, affordable vacation while shopping for good deals.

If it makes the Canadian business people feel better, we’re stocking up on items that we would never be able to find or afford in Canada.

Greta Nicholson

Abbotsford News