Tired of watering ban

I was wondering today why we have water restrictions, when we have just had the wettest June and July on record. All the reservoirs and lakes are full and the Fraser is almost over the dikes. Canada has more fresh water than all the other countries in the world put together, and we are still subjected to these restrictions.

I was wondering today why we have water restrictions, when we have just had the wettest June and July on record. All the reservoirs and lakes are full and the Fraser is almost over the dikes. Canada has more fresh water than all the other countries in the world put together, and we are still subjected to these restrictions.

We have some of the best natural water systems in the world. Our elected officials have created these false shortages by promoting growth in our communities without increasing infrastructure to support it.

I can understand if we have an unusually dry year but these policies have become the norm.

I am tired of having water restrictions imposed on me when I am surrounded by water, and having my lawn and garden shrivel up and die every year because I’m worried about some municipal employee fining me for watering.

The municipalities need to step up to the plate and give us the water rights British Columbians deserve and expect, instead of making excuses and having committees and study after study.

Jim Raffan

Abbotsford News