To be rich is not noble, nor is it noble to be poor

There is a pervasive atmosphere of animosity towards anyone who has wealth, distinction and achievement.

Editor, The News:

There is a pervasive atmosphere of animosity towards anyone who has wealth, distinction and achievement.

Some denigrate and revile all successful, self-made people. They believe they are the arbiter of the social order.

Some are malcontents, radicals and embittered by envy and inadequacy. They are identified by their complete inability to separate the wheat from the chaff and give credit where credit is due.

In any strata of society, there are the greedy, the liars, the thieves – and the wealthy have their share. To be rich is not noble, nor is it noble to be poor.

It is an individual attribute, no matter the status.

Every day there are stories of rich and poor, both who donate their talents, money and time to the less fortunate.

But the tunnel vision and generalization continues unabated, causing division and polarization.

Cherryl Katnich

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News