To nourish B.C. families, first nourish the land

Families first need whole, healthy and natural nutrition in order to thrive.

Open letter to Premier Christy Clark:

You may notice that much of the province you are mandated to serve and protect enjoys a topography that is more vertical than some provinces to the east. This feature, much of which bears snow year round, may be a hint that available land for natural food production ought to be treated with more respect than Bill 24 proposes in its current form.

This government has adopted an attitude of entitlement, wilfully avoiding accountability by quashing opportunities for consultation. Democracy is dead. Evidence of the precautionary principle is totally lacking. It states that if any risk of harm to the public or environment is suspected, in the absence of consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it is not falls upon those taking the action or forming the policy,.

The proof that this principle, which is a statutory requirement in the European Union, has not been invoked in B.C.’s legislature in recent memory, if ever, lies in the forcing of the smart meter/smart grid on the electorate by your government and its dangerous agency BC Hydro, and the proliferation of the pesticide Roundup and contamination of much of B.C.’s wonderful agricultural land by genetically engineered organisms by the multinational food corporation, Monsanto.

Ms. Clark, you based your leadership on a “family-first agenda,” which is admirable; however, families first need whole, healthy and natural nutrition in order to thrive, and this nutrition comes first from the land. B.C. does not have enough under cultivation now to provide that nourishment without importing questionable products from other sources. Please reflect on this critical situation and do the right thing. Continue to preserve the ALR/ALC. Your constituents don’t absorb much nutrition from ingesting oil, gas and other minerals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Edgar Murdoch

Salmon Arm Observer