To the community of Clearwater:

We live and give with largeness

To the Community of Clearwater:

Thank you to everyone who came out and voted.

It was an important election and your consideration has helped create a strong team who is ready to carry the baton.

I am grateful for your votes that allow me to serve a third term, it is a privilege to represent our community.

I would like to acknowledge the good work and long standing dedication of John Harwood and Ken Kjenstad.

They are upstanding leaders who have forged the path and helped create a beautiful place to live.

Their actions inspired all of us. We are better because of their leadership.

They have been unwavering in their commitment to community.

Their wisdom graced many difficult decisions that came to only strengthen our town.

I would like to thank them for their service and also their families who allowed each of them to give so much of their time.

It’s been an incredible seven years with great colleagues and staff. I will miss John and Ken along with Dennis and Gord.

I congratulate Merlin Blackwell as the next Mayor who I know will lead with vision, dedication and conviction.

Congratulations to Barry, Lynne, Lucy, Lyle and Bill. I know that you will each serve in the spirit of community that is the legacy of ALL those who have previously served on Council.

Thank you to the candidates that ran and presented thoughtful platforms that made us all think and reflect.

It takes courage to put your name forward and each of you ran with heart and showed your enthusiasm for the community.

I would like to close by extending my gratitude to everyone that contributes in their own way to make meaningful impact to Clearwater and the North Thompson.

This includes our business community and our many, many volunteer groups.

You all give so much.

The list is long and also includes our teachers, first responders, medical and health community and more.

The point being, that for a small town, we live and give with largeness.

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the legacy and the vision.


Shelley Sim

Clearwater Times