Tommy Douglas plaque deceptive

Why did a closed meeting decide to exhibit an NDP partisan plaque on city property?

To the editor,

Re: Former NDP leader to be honoured for service as Nanaimo-area MP, June 13.

Why did a closed meeting decide to exhibit an NDP partisan plaque on city property?

Nanaimo is not as claimed, “really an NDP riding.” NDP candidates have received less than half the votes in all 24 federal elections here since the Second World War, except in 1972 when Douglas received 57 per cent. In general, people vote against the NDP.

Also contrary to belief, the Diefenbaker Conservative government’s 1960-63 Royal Commission on Health Services actually designed Canada’s health care system, not the NDP. The Liberals won the 1963 election and implemented the Conservatives’ report in their 1966 Medical Care Act.

If it’s the city’s business to display partisan political plaques, then let’s have plaques celebrating outstanding non-NDP politicians too.

Bart Jessup, Gabriola Island

Nanaimo News Bulletin