Tom’s gone wrong

Re: Dumb leaders attack smart meters (Tom Fletcher PNR Oct. 5).

Re: Dumb leaders attack smart meters (Tom Fletcher PNR Oct. 5). I believe the misguided article titled should have been called “nerds looking to hack smart meters”.

The underground hacker networks are already analyzing the technology used and are abuzz about how there’s virtually no security measures in place to prevent hacking of the signal; a person could change their $500/month marijuana grow-op hydro costs to $50/month and the RCMP would never know because annually more grow-ops are busted by nosey BC Hydro employees who notice discrepencies in the usage.

Crime, security, $1 billion price tag (that will be passed on to us with higher hydro costs) and the lack of human contact (hydro employees going door-to-door to read meters) are the reasons most of us are against smart meters.

Not a trace amount of electromagnetic radiations.

Noel Gagnon,



Peninsula News Review