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Too quick to sacrifice what others fought for

Last June, 4,000 people packed together mid-pandemic for a Black Lives Matter protest on Parliament Hill with our prime minister in the midst of the crowd and nothing but praise and support is given by our "progressive" leaders and media.

Last June, 4,000 people packed together mid-pandemic for a Black Lives Matter protest on Parliament Hill with our prime minister in the midst of the crowd and nothing but praise and support is given by our “progressive” leaders and media.

Two weeks ago, 60 people gathered outdoors in our small community of Smithers to respectfully promote freedom, and the paper reports that up to five tickets will be issued.v

Every Remembrance Day we appropriately applaud our veterans for courageously risking their lives so that Canada can be free. Yet we see the opposite playing out in Canada now.

Because we are so intent on seeing our own lives protected, we eagerly give up our fundamental freedoms (conscience, expression, speech, religion, assembly) for the promise of protection by the state.

As our veterans can attest to, living and loving has inherent risk. Yet we are all blessed by it.

Now that we have a much better understanding of COVID-19 and who is at risk, let’s not be so quick to sacrifice what others have fought so dearly for.

Mark Penninga


Smithers Interior News