Tough guys not real men

Halloween assault disgusts Port McNeill resident.

Dear editor,

After a fun time at the Haida Way’s Halloween party in Port McNeill on Nov. 2, two of my friends were assaulted by three young men on their way home.

These idiots made extremely rude and sexually threatening remarks towards the young woman and then proceeded to gang up on the young man when he tried to tell them, “That’s enough.” As the young woman tried to pull them off, she was also struck in the face.

Despite the fact that they both live and work here, these boys proclaimed my friends as “tourists” and themselves as the “real Port McNeill.”

Real Port McNeill? No — real dumb! Real tough? No —- real cowards! Real men? No — a real man would never hit a woman!

It wasn’t hard to find out who the three of you are. Your parents will hear about this and they should be bloody ashamed of their sons’ unprovoked, three-on-one attack and sick threats towards this young woman. Some of you have sisters. How would you feel if this sort of thing happened to them?

I have always been proud to be from Port McNeill, but to hear you three proclaim yourselves and those actions to be the “real Port McNeill” makes me sick.


Jock McKenzie Jr.

Port McNeill


North Island Gazette