Tough love a better plan for city’s tent dwellers

Topaz Park tent city idea not a good plan, says Langford reader

Should the “tent city” project be allowed in public parks in Victoria? No. Their taxpayers should not be forced to pay for something they do not believe in.

Let the supporters pay for the idea. The supporters should be given the option to take in some of the homeless in to their own homes and then share with them the ideas from a “good home.” This is what I would call help.

But definitely, this group of people can not stay together in the public parks; it won’t work. Most of them were not born with addiction and mental health problems. They did it to themselves. They did not know how to say “no” to drugs and alcohol.

Do they deserve a second chance? Yes. But the Band-Aid won’t help. Some of the homeless with mental health problems need to be institutionalized under tough watch. For others, “boot camp” is a better idea. Taxpayers will have no problem supporting such projects.

Stefan Mieczkowski


Goldstream News Gazette