Tourism, disease testing and bullying

Tourism is an important industry both at the provincial level and also locally here in the Okanagan region.

Tourism is an important industry both at the provincial level and also locally here in the Okanagan region.

As a result tourism marketing is an important component in attracting new visitors to our area however reaching a consensus based approach can be challenging given the diversity of the industry.

This week, the government of British Columbia announced a new initiative that will create an industry-led Crown corporation known as Destination B.C.

This new organization is expected to be up and running by April, 2013 and is based upon recommendations made from the Tourism Industry Association of British Columbia task force. Long term funding for this organization will be achieved through a dedicated percentage share of annual sales tax revenue.

Another recent announcement is from the Minister of Health regarding a new B.C. wide co-ordinated colorectal cancer screening program to assist in the early detection of the disease.

Beginning in the spring of 2013, will be publicly-funded fecal immunochemical test, which patients can complete at home without special changes to a medication or diet.

The program will be primary-care-based, with general practitioners referring patients in the 50 to 74 age group (without symptoms) for a screening test once every two years.

For patients with a significant family history of colorectal cancer, they will be referred to their regional health authority for a screening colonoscopy.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Canada and while most are aware that it is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men, many are surprised to learn that it is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women.

Fortunately colorectal cancer is one of the more preventable forms of cancer and if diagnosed at an early stage, it is 90 per cent curable.

For more information please visit

This past week I received a fairly serious threat of violence, the third I have encountered during my time in public office.

I raise this point due to the fact that this threat emerged from the Internet.

Over the past few weeks in B.C. we have witnessed some disturbing incidents of cyber-bullying, circulation of inappropriate materials, sexual and emotional exploitation from online predators and a host of other vicious, unpleasant and at times even criminal acts.

I believe it is critically important that parents start taking a more active role in the internet and the dangers of children sharing too much information online.

Once personal information is in the internet domain it becomes out of control and can be used for purposes that can lead to tragic consequences.

As parents we need to keep our children safe and that also includes recognizing the dangers that can and do exist online. For more information please visit

Before I close this week, a reminder of the website where you can find many interesting opportunities that exist around British Columbia.

One example is a request for an expression of interests from the Heritage Branch of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations in seeking proposals for the operation and management of the historic Grist Mill located near Keremeos.

For further information on this listing or many others around British Columbia please visit the bcbid website for more information.

Bill Barisoff is the MLA for the riding of Penticton.


Summerland Review