Tourism dollars should stay with PHA

Further to the recent furor over the city’s attempts to make claim to the hotel and motel industry’s money.

Further to the recent furor over the city’s attempts to make claim to the hotel and motel industry’s money.

I was struck by the difference in approach between the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Penticton.

Judging by their statement, the chamber has quite clearly looked at the facts and, having done so, committed themselves to support the Penticton Hospitality Association and its membership.

They have even pointed out the single most important point that everyone seems to overlook, the PHA has increased visitor numbers since it took over, and in double quick time.

This seems to be in sharp contrast to the statement made by Tourism Penticton, which struck me as being extremely opportunistic. Something along the lines of, “we have always wanted the money anyway.”

Having now heard that the PHA has been working collaboratively and amicably with them in order to unify tourism, why have Tourism Penticton failed to offer their active support for the PHA and process.

I mean they have a vested interest in it working and the PHA have been nothing but gracious about them.

Are they feeling threatened by the PHAs successes or are they working in cahoots with the city to get their hands on the PHAs money as has been suggested?

Perhaps both?

There seems to me to be something fishy here.

Particularly as the city is currently looking to plug fiscal holes for the imminent budget and far from being independent, Tourism Penticton is bankrolled by the city and even have a city representative on the board to keep them all in line.

It’s no wonder that the PHA is so frustrated. They deliver the goods and still get pilloried.

If I were them I would not even consider dealing with either again. I would never give my paycheck to someone who is so ungracious and seems to want nothing more than my downfall.

I would also like to know where the self proclaimed CEO, Jessie Campbell, has been? I heard she was on a business trip? This seems fishy too.

Surely this was the single most important issue in her particular world and unless she was cutting a deal with Westjet or the City of Vancouver wouldn’t we expect her to be here? I mean, we are apparently paying her an executive salary, and her staff, to deal with tourism. The new line should be, “You are not here, but we are,” or better, “We are here, where are you.”

The city gives them actual tax payers money ($350,000 a year I’ve heard.) whereas the PHA are being kind enough to use their own money for the benefit of all of us right!

Is anyone auditing Tourism Penticton and if not, why not?

It’s my money! Strike that, it’s our money.

Finally, the truth seems to be coming out. Shocking treatment of the PHA, I hope they fight tooth and nail and win, and good on the Chamber of Commerce (as representatives of the business community) for showing some guts, standing up and being counted.

D McDonald



Penticton Western News