Tourism operator has questions about logging moratorium

We have never had any tourists comment to us about the logging that can be visible on the west side of the Clearwater River

Editor, The Times:

I am writing concerning the many recent articles in the Times regarding Canfor’s logging.

Canfor is logging inside its designated area, approved by the government, not inside Wells Gray Park.

As the largest tourism business at the entrance to Wells Gray Park, we have never had any tourists comment to us about the logging that can be visible on the west side of the Clearwater River. Some tourists have asked about the old cutblocks visible on the north face of the Trophy Mountains but are satisfied with our explanation that the logging blocks are outside of the Park.

If Canfor was logging in Wells Gray Park, we would be the first to be raising objections but this is simply not the case.

Canfor and the other logging companies are major supporter of the Clearwater community, without which we would not have many of the local services and businesses that we enjoy in Clearwater today.

Of course I am concerned about logging affecting people’s water supplies and I have had a meeting with Canfor myself and made that point.

I should also like to ask, who is the Upper Clearwater Referral Group and how is their membership decided?

I have asked many people and cannot get an answer as to who is representing Upper Clearwater and how and when were they elected to do so. I should also like to know when the next review and election of board members will take place.

Andrew Nelson

Helmcken Falls Lodge


Clearwater Times