Tower taxes no driving factor


Re: Spectre of South Surrey highrise plan still looms, June 28.


Re: Spectre of South Surrey highrise plan still looms, June 28.

In response to your story, I would like to put Surrey council on notice that any member who votes in favour of a building height above three storeys has forever lost the votes of the members of this household.

The fact that the silly little enclave to the south of 16 Avenue is turning itself into a new West End is completely irrelevant to the question of what is good for the Peninsula.

I’m quite sure that if White Rock council had the courage to put the question to a referendum, they’d find that the majority of its homeowners do not want the monstrosities popping up in their community like malignant mushrooms, either.

The usual reasoning – which comes through in your story and is clear also in Vancouver’s rationalizing over its densification initiatives – that it will broaden the tax base, is proved wrong by a simple drive down White Rock’s streets; when will the fees paid by developers to have their way in White Rock translate into decently paved streets?

Peter N. Van den Bosch, Surrey


Peace Arch News