Town hall forum needed for pipeline project

Meeting would provide the public access to a more balanced and realistic view of Kinder Morgan’s intentions

Re: Pipeline project has positive impact, Letters (Dec. 5)

I also attended the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain public information session held on Nov. 28 in the gym of C.E. Barry school. Yes, I found it informative, however, I also found the presentation misleading, especially the poster which depicted an aerial view drawing of the existing pipeline route which neglected to show the pipeline crossing the Coquihalla River.

To anyone who is not familiar with this area, they would be lead to believe that the Coquihalla River starts near the Hope Golf Course!

When Kinder Morgan representatives were asked simple direct questions, they quickly enlisted an ‘expert’ well-rehearsed in avoiding answering sensitive questions.

For example,  the upgrading of the existing pipeline to today’s safety standards with particular reference to C.S.A. Code Z662 and the National Energy Board regulation which stipulate that shutoff valves are to be installed at river crossings and the thickness of pipelines under river crossings be increased to twice the thickness.

Mr. Rowe’s letter outlines the positive financial impact the Kinder Morgan expansion would have with the District of Hope, but neglected to mention any of the potential negative economic impacts that our community would endure in the event of an oil spill, specifically in the hospitality and tourist sectors along with deflated property values.

Say goodbye to the estimated $222 per household that Mr. Rowe projected. And let’s not forget to mention the devastating negative environmental impact an oil spill could have to our water supply, wildlife and fish habitats.

The question remains, why is Kinder Morgan allowed to transport bitumen and other oil products through an old pipeline that, by today’s more stringent safety standards, would be deemed inadequate and would never have procured a licence by the N.E.B.?

Personally, I feel a town hall question and answer forum would provide the public access to a more balanced and realistic view of Kinder Morgan’s intentions.

Dennis O’Keeffe,

Hope, B.C.

Hope Standard