Town hall proves informative

Green Party leader Elizabeth May speaks on a wide range of issues at Jan. 25 forum

On Jan. 25 I attended one of nine town halls held by MP Elizabeth May. For many it was their first time attending one of her town halls. She explained about the importance of clipping and sending in the survey in each of her theme-oriented newsletters. She reviewed activities since September 2016 including the process and results of the Elections Reform Committee that recommended proportional voting in their consensus report.

During the question and answer period she spoke knowledgeably in answer to questions about the various reasons to legalize marijuana, about the political connection between pipelines, Site C dam and Alberta oil, about what led to the pipeline glut and what happened to the original plan to refine the dilbit in Alberta, about carbon pricing and our emissions target, about energy co-operation between Norway and Denmark, about trade treaties, about Trudeau, and about Trump.

I was able to ask her about the planned aerial spraying of BTK for gypsy moth around Elk Lake three times between April 15 and June 30. She was informed about the product but hadn’t heard about the intended spraying. She is going to dig into it and get back to me. I left feeling much better informed about many issues. I plan to attend one of her next round of town halls in September.

Larry Layne





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