Town is still not addressing potholes

Roadway on School Road in Silver Creek has not been fixed

On March 16, I complained about the potholes on School Road in Silver Creek.

It is now mid-July and still nothing has been done to this main roadway. I say main roadway because not only do I use it to get to my home but school buses full of kids run down this road.

I had to replace both front springs on my car recently at great expense. The maintenance department had enough money to put a new black top road and parking area at Sucker’s Creek. Seriously? Did we really need this? Where did all the extra money come from? What about fixing a potholed main roadway?

The maintenance yard is full of pickups. How many employees does this town have in that department? I made several calls to this department and each time I got an answering machine. They don’t call back.

We pay a lot of taxes to this town and even the most basic jobs are not done. There is no sense going to town council meetings and complaining as the council simply shouts “out of order – out of order” if you try to speak. This town council is sickening. They’ve got to go, all of them.

Hans Pietsch,

Hope, B.C.

Hope Standard