Town must enforce the terms of waterfront lease

We watch with interested eyes, as this is one of the ways of measuring a business’ true commitment to the community

Now that Sidney’s mayor and council have rightfully decided to discontinue consideration of the redevelopment process, it is time for the Sidney Waterfront Partnership (SWP) to take action and clean up the buildings and associated landscape. Not only will this make the area far more esthetically pleasing, but should also assist SWP attract tenants.

Under the lease between SWP and the Town of Sidney, SWP is required to “…operate, manage and maintain the buildings … in accordance with the highest and best standards of similar developments in the Town of Sidney.” Clearly this sets a high standard regarding the maintenance and operation of these buildings.

Certainly the exterior of these buildings have been let to deteriorate and it is now time for SWP to correct this.

SWP has said it will now be seeking tenants for the vacant spaces; it would seem good business practice to at least clean up and provide a fresh coat of paint. But, in the event SWP is not prepared to do so forthwith, then I trust the town council, as the guardian of this important town asset, will enforce the terms of the lease to the fullest.

We watch with interested eyes, as this is one of the ways of measuring a business’ true commitment to the community.

John W. Savage




Victoria News