Towns need to co-operate

What a wonderful idea for North Saanich and Sidney to co-operate on such a plan.

I have read with interest Richard Holmes’ letter in the Feb. 18 PNR.

I certainly agree with everything he said. What a wonderful idea for North Saanich and Sidney to co-operate on such a plan.

Not only do his suggestions make economic sense but would certainly be a wonderful entrance to the Town of Sidney if such a jointly owned administration building were to be built where he suggested on the property jointly owned by the Sidney and North Saanich Memorial Park.

Next time you drive by take a look at the location, I am sure you will agree such a project would greatly enhance the area, if the graffiti-ridden skateboard park and dilapidated mobile trailers were replaced by a well-designed jointly owned building, as suggested by Mr. Holmes.

If you agree with me and Mr. Holmes do let our new Mayor Steve Price and council know your thoughts.

Louise Worrall, Sidney

Peninsula News Review