Township council quick to return to spending, secrecy

Life is easier if our governors don’t have the inconvenience of constituent input.

Editor: I note with considerable displeasure the return of old habits at Langley Township council.

The infamous gang of six are back at it, with an unconscionable increase in council salary. Apparently it’s Mission’s fault. All of these august individuals said during the campaign that the rate of inflation was their benchmark for financial expense increases. Someone needs to check the honesty of the math.

I  also notice a return to the trend of no public discussion or hearings. Life is easier if our governors don’t have the inconvenience of constituent input. We’re on the cusp of returning to where most decisions don’t even make it to council chambers. I fear benefits to insiders and developers. We’ll find out after it’s a fait accompli.

The local press don’t have to work very hard. They can cheerlead their political heroes and spew politically acceptable vanilla, and no one will even notice.

Robert Moats,


Langley Times