Tracks moved once before


There have been a number of good letters in the paper about relocating the train tracks (Rail route makes a difference, Dec. 5).


There have been a number of good letters in the paper about relocating the train tracks, such as the one from John Drent (Rail route makes a difference, Dec. 5).

What I don’t get, however, are the ones against the relocation.

For that reason, I think we need to write down the positives and negatives.


• no more diesel particulates

• no more coal dust

• no more screeching of wheels

• no more shaking of ground

• no more danger of mudslides coming down on train

• easy access to beaches by residents

• east access to beaches from hundreds of thousands of visitors

• no more blockage of emergency vehicles

• no more incredibly loud whistles

• stopping land values from dropping

• walkway from Blaine to Centennial Beach

• no more shaking of our homes – and I’m sure many more.


• ???

Now as far as the NIMBY letters, this railway was originally east of 176 Street before 1906, and then it was moved over here.

We just want to move it back where it belongs or came from – away from the most ridiculous place to have it in the first place, which is next to a place where there is a big population, dangerous terrain and beaches used by many, many thousands of people right next to lumbering trains.

Brian Lauder, Surrey



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