Traffic study incomplete

All Sidney business could be greatly rewarded by attracting the U.S. visitor

In reply to the Oct. 26, 2012 article on Sidney making a move on traffic.

The Sidney Traffic Improvement Group (STIG) is  concerned that the Town’s downtown traffic improvement RFP does not instruct the traffic consultants to meet with the group which will see the biggest impact of any proposed changes — the merchants and property owners in the downtown area.

Also, it is our understanding that the consultants have not been tasked to examine either the current lack of access for tourists from the Anacortes Ferry onto either Beacon Avenue and/or to the Tourist Information Office or the public demand for a return to the two way system for all of Beacon Avenue.

All Sidney business could be greatly rewarded by attracting the U.S. visitor who is at our front door and is not presently welcomed into Sidney.

We sincerely hope that council will immediately rectify these serious oversights.

Denis Paquette, Chair for STIG


Peninsula News Review