Traffic woes go way beyond View Royal

Re: Roadwork holding commuters hostage, Letters, May 6, 2011.

I wonder if the writer is aware most of the commuters being “held hostage” are from Colwood and Langford.

These are communities that did not discuss their development plans with View Royal and as a result our road system is unable to adequately handle the current (and future) traffic volumes we now see.

This is demonstrated by both routes into Victoria from the West Shore area. As the mayor of Colwood recently stated “The No. 1 issue remains traffic congestion not only for the West Shore but the entire region.”

If the letter writer is upset about the current traffic woes felt around the West Shore perhaps he should consider a move to Esquimalt or Saanich to alleviate his “commuter hostage” feelings.

In the meantime, even though it will be three months behind schedule, those of us View Royal residents who live “in the middle” of this project know it will be over soon (just like a bad cold).

Myles Anderson

View Royal


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